Panasonic DMC-G80HA Lumix bezzrcadlovkový digitální fotoaparát + H-FSA14140 14-140mm, F3.5-5.6 (Digitální Live MOS 16MP, Dual I.S.2 5-osý, 4K), černá

2 Recenze
2 Recenze

Klíčové vlastnosti

  • 5osý duální stabilizátor obrazu 5-Axis Dual I.S. 2 Stabilizace obrazu
  • Odolný vůči vlhkosti a prachu Přední rám z hořčíkové slitiny
  • 4K PHOTO 4K Video, Post Focus, Focus Stacking


Panasonic DMC-G80HA Lumix bezzrcadlovkový digitální fotoaparát + H-FSA14140 14-140mm, F3.5-5.6 (Digitální Live MOS 16MP, Dual I.S.2 5-osý, 4K), černá


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Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK G80 overview cz 1 1 1



Model G80 využívá technologii Dual Image Stabilisation a nejnovější rozlišení 4K v těle i objektivu odolným proti nepříznivým vlivům počasí, takže zůstanete flexibilní, ať už vás cesta zavede kamkoli.


Skvělý pro vaše dobrodružství

V životě se dostanete na různá místa, a proto potřebujete fotoaparát, který to s vámi zvládne. Fotograf Mitchell Kanashkevich si na svou nedávnou cestu do Rumunska vybral model LUMIX G80. Duální stabilizátor obrazu je ideální na fotografování venku, protože vám pomáhá pořídit ostřejší, jasnější snímky v obtížném nebo rychle se pohybujícím prostředí, a díky kompaktnímu tělu a objektivu odolným proti nepříznivým vlivům počasí budete velmi flexibilní, ať už vás cesta zavede kamkoli.

Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK G80 feature eu 2 1 1
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK G80 feature eu 2 1 2 01

Realistické detaily

16megapixelový snímač Digital Live MOS fotoaparátu G80 bez filtru Low Pass zachytí ostřejší a detailnější snímky, ať už jste kdekoli.

Už žádné rozmazané fotografie

Život se nezastaví jen kvůli tomu, že něco potřebujete vyfotit. A proto fotoaparát LUMIX G80 integruje pětiosý DUAL IS. 2 (stabilizátor obrazu)*1, který je kombinací stabilizace těla a objektivu pro výkonnější korekci třesu rukou a kompenzaci snímků až do hodnoty 5 F-Stop*2. Tato pětiosá stabilizace funguje u široké a telefotografické fotografie i nahrávání filmů, včetně rozlišení 4K. *1 DUAL I.S. 2 k dispozici s upgradem firmwaru objektivu.*2 Na základě standardu CIPA [boční/podélný směr: při použití modelu H-FS14140 ohnisková vzdálenost f=50-140 mm (ekvivalent 35mm fotoaparátu f=100-280 mm).]

Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK G80 feature eu 2 1 3 01
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK G80 feature eu 2 1 4

Zachytíte přesně to, co vidíte

Hledáček Live View Finder modelu LUMIX G80 s mírou zvětšení 0,74 (ekvivalent 35mm fotoaparátu) vám přináší svobodu orámovat záběr a zachytit vše, co vidíte. Dále se může pochlubit vysokým rozlišením s 2 360 000 body a přibližně 100% barevnou reprodukcí pro vysokou viditelnost za všech podmínek.

Již nikdy nezmeškáte ideální záběr

S naší funkcí 4K PHOTO také dokážete zachytit perfektní okamžik výběrem snímku ze sekvence videa (pořízené při rychlosti 30 snímků za sekundu) ve fotoaparátu. Tento snímek pak můžete uložit jako samostatný obrázek ve vysokém rozlišení. Jednoduše pořiďte záznam, vyberte a uložte. Již nezmeškáte žádný okamžik.

Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK G80 feature eu 2 1 5
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK G80 feature eu 2 1 6

Vaše dobrodružství budou vypadat lépe než kdy předtím

Díky nejvyšší kvalitě 4K videa vám LUMIX GX80 umožňuje zaznamenat každou nečekanou událost na cestách v až čtyřnásobném rozlišení Full HD. Díky větším detailům a čistotě si uchováte vzpomínky v dokonalé kvalitě.

Fotografujte okamžitě a zaostřujte později

Vychutnejte si tvůrčí svobodu, kdy se můžete rozhodnout, na co přesně zaostřit. Funkce Post Focus vám nabízí možnost prohlédnout si snímek a klepnout na část, kterou chcete mít zcela ostrou, a to i poté, co jste danou fotografii pořídili. S novou funkcí Focus Stacking navíc můžete jednoduše vybrat několik bodů zaostření na jediném snímku. Je to jednoduché, ohromující a vše uvnitř fotoaparátu LUMIX G80.

Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK G80 feature eu 2 1 7
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK G80 feature eu 2 1 8

Dokonale utěsněné provedení těla i objektivu pro jakékoli dobrodružství

Model LUMIX G80 je připraven na použití v nejnáročnějším terénu a může se pochlubit tělem a objektivem, které odolají vodě i prachu. Díky nejnovějším funkcím v kompaktním a mobilním provedení vám už nic nezabrání nerušeně pokračovat ve svých cestách za dobrodružstvím.


Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK DMC G80HEG Product ImageGlobal 1 cz cs spec
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK DMC G80HEG Technical Icons 1Global 1 cz cs
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK DMC G80HEG Technical Icons 2Global 1 cz cs
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK DMC G80HEG Technical Icons 3Global 1 cz cs
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK DMC G80HEG Technical Icons 4Global 1 cz cs
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK DMC G80HEG Technical Icons 5Global 1 cz cs
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK DMC G80HEG Technical Icons 6Global 1 cz cs
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK DMC G80HEG Technical Icons 7Global 1 cz cs
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK DMC G80HEG Technical Icons 8Global 1 cz cs
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK DMC G80HEG Technical Icons 9Global 1 cz cs
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK DMC G80HEG Technical Icons 10Global 1 cz cs

5osý duální stabilizátor obrazu 5-Axis Dual I.S. 2 Stabilizace obrazu

Odolný vůči vlhkosti a prachu Přední rám z hořčíkové slitiny

4K PHOTO 4K Video, Post Focus, Focus Stacking

Lumix DMC-G80H Digitální bezzrcadlový fotoaparát

Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK 01 G80 81 85 k FS14140 1
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK 02 G80 81 85 k FS14140 2
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK 03 G80 81 85 k 3 3
Panasonic DMC-G80HAEGK 04 G80 81 85 k 4 3

Technické vlastnosti

Digital Single Lens Mirrorless camera
Recording media
SD Memory Card, SDHC Memory Card, SDXC Memory Card (Compatible with UHS-I / UHS-II UHS Speed Class 3 standard SDHC / SDXC Memory Cards)
Image sensor size
17.3 x 13.0 mm (in 4:3 aspect ratio)
Lens mount
Micro Four Thirds mount
Live MOS Sensor
Total pixels
16.84 megapixels
Camera effective pixels
16.00 megapixels
Color filter
Primary color filter
Dust reduction system
Supersonic wave filter
Image sensor shift type (5-axis / 5-stop), Dual I.S. (Dual I.S. 2 compatible)
Recording file format
Still image
JPEG (DCF, Exif 2.3), RAW, MPO (When attaching 3D lens in Micro Four Thirds system standard)
Motion picture
AVCHD (Audio format: Dolby Digital 2ch), MP4 (Audio format: AAC 2ch)
Aspect ratio
4:3, 3:2, 16:9, 1:1
Image quality
RAW, RAW+Fine, RAW+Standard, Fine, Standard MPO+Fine / MPO+Standard (with 3D lens in Micro Four Thirds system standard)
Color space
sRGB, AdobeRGB
File size (Pixels)
Still image
[4:3] 4592x3448(L) / 3232x2424(M) / 2272x1704(S) / 1824x1368 (When attaching 3D lens in Micro Four Third system standard) [3:2] 4592x3064(L) / 3232x2160(M) / 2272x1520(S) / 1824x1216 (When attaching 3D lens in Micro Four Third system standard) [16:9] 4592x2584(L) / 3840x2160(M) / 1920x1080(S) / 1824x1024 (When attaching 3D lens in Micro Four Third system standard) [1:1] 3424x3424(L) / 2416x2416(M) / 1712x1712(S) / 1712x1712 (When attaching 3D lens in Micro Four Third system standard)
Motion picture* MP4*
[4K] 3840x2160 4K/30p: 100Mbps [4K] 3840x2160 4K/25p: 100Mbps [4K] 3840x2160 4K/24p: 100Mbps [Full HD] 1920x1080 FHD/60p: 28Mbps [Full HD] 1920x1080 FHD/50p: 28Mbps [Full HD] 1920x1080 FHD/30p: 20Mbps [Full HD] 1920x1080 FHD/25p: 20Mbps [HD] 1280x720 HD/30p: 10Mbps [HD] 1280x720 HD/25p: 10Mbps
Motion picture* AVCHD*
[Full HD] 1920x1080 FHD/50p: 28Mbps, 50p recording [Full HD] 1920x1080 FHD/50i: 17Mbps, 50i recording [Full HD] 1920x1080 FHD/25p: 24Mbps, 50i recording (sensor output is 25fps) [Full HD] 1920x1080 FHD/24p: 24Mbps, 24p recording
Continuous recordable time (Motion picture)
AVCHD [FHD/50i]: Approx. 120 min with H-FS12060 / H-FS14140 / H-FSA45200 MP4 [4K/30p, 4K/25p]: Approx. 90 min with H-FS12060 / H-FS14140 / H-FSA45200
Actual recordable time (Motion picture)
AVCHD [FHD/50i]: Approx. 60 min with H-FS12060 / H-FS14140 / H-FSA45200 MP4 [4K/30p, 4K/25p]: Approx. 45 min with H-FS12060 / H-FS14140 / H-FSA45200
IEEE 802.11b/g/n, 2412 MHz - 2462 MHz (1-11 ch), Wi-Fi / WPA / WPA2, Infrastructure mode
QR code connection
Password-less connection
Yes (ON / OFF selectable)
OLED Live View Finder (2,360k dots)
Field of view
Approx. 100%
Approx. 1.48x / 0.74x (35mm camera equivalent) with 50 mm lens at infinity; -1.0 m-1
Eye point
Approx. 20 mm from eyepiece lens
Diopter adjustment
-4.0 - +4.0 (dpt)
Eye sensor
Eye sensor adjustment
High / Low
Contrast AF system
DFD technology
Post Focus
Focus Stacking
Focus mode
AFS (Single) / AFF (Flexible) / AFC (Continuous) / MF
AF mode
Face/Eye Detection / Tracking / 49-Area / Custom Multi / 1-Area / Pinpoint (Full area touch is available)
AF detective range
EV -4 - 18 (ISO100 equivalent)
Starlight AF
AF assist lamp
AF lock
Yes (AF/AE LOCK button)
One Shot AF, Shutter AF, Half Press Release, Quick AF, AF Sensitivity, Continuous AF (during motion picture recording), Eye Sensor AF, AF+MF, MF Assist, Touch MF Assist, Focus Peaking, Touch AF/AE Function, Touch Pad AF, Touch Shutter
Light metering system
1728-zone multi-pattern sensing system
Light metering mode
Multiple / Center Weighted / Spot
Metering range
EV 0 - 18 (F2.0 lens, ISO100 equivalent)
Exposure mode
Program AE, Aperture Priority AE, Shutter Priority AE, Manual
ISO sensitivity (Standard output sensitivity)
Auto / Intelligent ISO / 100 (Extended) / 200 / 400 / 800 / 1600 / 3200 / 6400 / 12800 / 25600 (Changeable to 1/3 EV step) (Up to ISO6400 in motion picture recording) (ISO Auto in M mode)
Exposure compensation
1/3 EV step ±5EV (±3EV for motion picture)
AE lock
Yes (AF/AE LOCK button)
White balance
Auto / Daylight / Cloudy / Shade / Incandescent / Flash / White Set 1, 2, 3, 4 / Color temperature setting
White balance adjustment
Blue/Amber bias, Magenta/Green bias
Color temperature setting
2500 - 10000K in 100K
Focal-plane shutter
Shutter speed
Still image: Bulb (Max. 2 minutes), 1/4,000 - 60 Motion picture: 1/16,000 - 1/25 Electronic shutter: 1/16,000 - 1 Electronic first curtain shutter: 1/2,000 - 60
Self timer
10sec, 3 images / 2sec / 10sec
Remote control
Remote control with Bulb function by DMW-RSL1 (Optional)
AE bracket
3, 5, 7 images in 1/3, 2/3 or 1 EV step, max. ±3 EV, single/burst
Aperture Bracket
3, 5 or all positions in 1 EV step
Focus Bracket
1 to 999 images, focus steps can be set in 5 levels
White balance bracket
3 exposures in blue/amber axis or in magenta/green axis
Yes (Standard / Wide)
Burst speed
[Mechanical shutter] AFS: H: 9 frames/sec, M: 6 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View) AFC: H: 6 frames/sec, M: 6 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View) [Electronic shutter] SH: 40 frames/sec AFS: H: 10 frames/sec, M: 6 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View) AFC: H: 6 frames/sec, M: 6 frames/sec (with Live View), L: 2 frames/sec (with Live View)
Number of recordable images
More than 45 images (when there are RAW files with the particular speed) More than 300 images (when there are no RAW files) (Depending on memory card type, aspect, picture size and compression)
4K Photo mode*
4K Burst: 30 frames/sec 4K Burst (S/S): 30 frames/sec 4K Pre-Burst: 30 frames/sec, approx. 2 seconds (Depending on memory card size and battery power)
Exif information
Marking function
Yes (in 4K Burst (S/S) mode)
Loop rec function
Yes (in 4K Burst (S/S) mode)
Flash type
TTL Built-in-Flash, GN9.0 equivalent (ISO200 ・m) / GN6.2 equivalent (ISO100 ・m), Built-in Pop-up (Reference)
Flash mode
Auto*, Auto/Red-eye Reduction*, Forced On, Forced On/Red-eye Reduction, Slow Sync., Slow Sync./Red-eye Reduction, Forced Off * For iA, iA+ only.
Synchronization speed
Less than 1/160 second
Flash output adjustment
1/3EV step ±3EV
Flash synchronization
1st Curtain Sync., 2nd Curtain Sync.
Synchronization for flash dimming and exposure compensation
Wireless control
Yes (When using DMW-FL200L / FL360L / FL580L (Optional))
TFT LCD monitor with static touch control
Monitor size
Free-angle 7.5cm (3.0-inch) / 3:2 aspect / Wide viewing angle
Approx. 1,040k dots
Field of view
Approx. 100%
Monitor adjustment
Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Red-Green, Blue-Yellow
Digital zoom
G80: 2x, 4x
Extra Tele Conversion
Still image: Max. 2x Motion picture: 2.4x (FHD), 3.6x (HD)
Other functions
Level Gauge, Real-time Histogram, Guide Lines (3 patterns), Highlight display (Still image / motion picture), Zebra Pattern (Still image / motion picture)
Fn1, Fn2, Fn3, Fn4, Fn5, Fn6, Fn7, Fn8, Fn9
Exposure Comp. / Wi-Fi / Q.MENU / LVF/Monitor Switch / LVF/Monitor Disp. Style / AF/AE LOCK / AF-ON / Preview / One Push AE / Touch AE / Level Gauge / Focus Area Set / Zoom Control / Cursor Button Lock / Dial Operation Switch / Photo Style / Filter Select / Aspect Ratio / Picture Size / Quality / AFS/AFF / Metering Mode / Burst Rate / 4K Photo / Self Timer / Bracket / Highlight Shadow / i. Dynamic / i. Resolution / HDR / Shutter Type / Flash Mode / Flash Adjust. / Wireless Setup (Flash) / Ex. Tele Conv. / Digital Zoom / Stabilizer Sensitivity / White Balance / AF Mode / 4K Live Crop / Snap Movie / Motion Pic. Set / Picture Mode / Mic. Directivity Adjust / Silent Mode / Peaking / Histogram / Guide Line / Zebra Pattern / Monochrome Live View / Rec Area / Step Zoom / Zoom Speed / Touch Screen / Restore to Default
Still image and motion picture
Standard / Vivid / Natural / Monochrome / L. Monochrome / Scenery / Portrait / Custom / Cinelike D* / Cinelike V* *When Creative Video Mode is selected.
Still image
Expressive / Retro / Old Days / High Key / Low Key / Sepia / Monochrome / Dynamic Monochrome / Rough Monochrome / Silky Monochrome / Impressive Art / High Dynamic / Cross Process / Toy Effect / Toy Pop / Bleach Bypass / Miniature Effect / Soft Focus / Fantasy / Star Filter / One Point Color / Sunshine
Motion picture
Expressive / Retro / Old Days / High Key / Low Key / Sepia / Monochrome / Dynamic Monochrome / Impressive Art / High Dynamic / Cross Process / Toy Effect / Toy Pop / Bleach Bypass / Miniature Effect / Fantasy / One Point Color
Exposure mode
Program AE / Aperture-Priority / Sutter-Priority / Manual Exposure
Cinelike gamma
Cinelike D / Cinelike V
Flicker reduction
[1/50] / [1/60] / [1/100] / [1/120] / OFF
Playback function
30-thumbnail display, 12-thumbnail display, Calendar display, Zoomed playback (Max. 16x), Slideshow (All / Picture Only / Video Only / 4K PHOTO / Post Focus / 3D / Category Selection / Favorite, duration & effect is selectable), Playback Mode (Normal / Picture Only / Video Only / 4K PHOTO / Post Focus / 3D Play / Category / Favorite), Location Logging, RAW Processing, 4K PHOTO Bulk Saving, Light Composition, Clear Retouch, Title Edit, Text Stamp, Video Divide, Time Lapse Video, Stop Motion Video, Resize, Cropping, Rotate, Rotation Display, Favorite, DPOF Print Set, Protect, Face Recognition Edit, Picture Sort, Creating Still Pictures from a Motion Picture
Single / Multi
Single / Multi / All / Except Favorite
Direct print
PictBridge compatible
USB 2.0 Micro-B
microHDMI TypeD / VIERA Link Video: Auto / 4K / 1080p / 1080i / 720p / 576p Audio: Stereo Monitor-through: 4:2:2/8-bit (While recording motion picture on the SD memory card in the camera unit.)
Audio video output
Remote input
φ2.5mm for remote
External microphone input
φ3.5mm for external microphone Stereo/Lens Auto/Shotgun/Super Shotgun/Manual is selectable when attaching DMW-MS2 (optional).
Stereo, Wind-cut: OFF / Standard / High
OSD language
Japanese, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Netherlandic, Turkish, Portuguese, Finnish, Danish, Swedish, Greek
Li-ion Battery Pack (7.2V, 1200mAh, 8.7Wh) (included)
Battery life (CIPA standard)
Approx. 330 images (rear monitor), 320 images (LVF) with H-FS12060 / H-FSA45200 Approx. 320 images (rear monitor), 310 images (LVF) with H-FS14140 Power Save LVF Shooting mode: Approx. 800 images* with H-FS12060 / H-FS14140 / H-FSA45200 * Under the test conditions specified by Panasonic based on CIPA standard. When the time to get in the sleep mode is set to 3 sec.
Battery grip
DMW-BGG1 (optional)
Dimensions (W x H x D)
128.4 x 89 x 74.3 mm / 5.06 x 3.50 x 2.93 inch (excluding protrusions)
Approx. 505g / 1.11 lb (SD card, Battery, Body) Approx. 453g / 1.00 lb (Body only) Approx. 715g / 1.58 lb (SD card, Battery, H-FS12060 lens included) Approx. 770g / 1.70 lb (SD card, Battery, H-FS14140 lens included) Approx. 875g / 1.93 lb (SD card, Battery, H-FSA45200 lens included) Approx. 1085g / 2.4 lb (SD card, Battery, H-FS12060 + H-FSA45200 lenses included)
Operating temperature
0oC to 40oC (32oF to 104oF)
Operating humidity
10%RH to 80%RH
・ The software to edit and playback images on computer is not bundled with DMC-G80/G81. To do this, PHOTOfunSTUDIO is available for download at Panasonic website using computer connected to the Internet. (For Windows) ・ The software to process RAW file on computer is not bundled with DMC-G80/G81. To do this, SILKYPIX Developer Studio is available for download at Ichikawa Soft Laboratory's website using computer connected to the Internet. (For Windows / Mac)
Standard accessories
DMC-G80M / DMC-G81M / DMC-G80H / DMC-G81H Kit Hot Shoe Cover, Body Cap, Battery Pack, Battery Charger, AC Cable, USB Connection Cable, Shoulder Strap, Lens Hood, Lens Cap, Lens Rear Cap ・ The DMC-G80/G81 Operating Instructions for advanced features is available for downloaded at Panasonic LUMIX Customer Support Site using PC, smartphone or tablet connected to the Internet.
Lens Name
LUMIX G VARIO 14-140mm / F3.5-5.6 II ASPH. / POWER O.I.S.
Lens Construction
14 elements in 12 groups (3 aspherical lenses , 2 ED lens)
Nano Surface Coating
Micro Four Thirds mount
Optical Image Stabilizer
Yes (POWER O.I.S.)
Focal Length
f=14-140mm (35mm camera equivalent 28-280mm)
Aperture Type
7 diaphragm blades / Circular aperture diaphragm
Aperture Range
F3.5(Wide) - F5.6(TELE)
Minimum Aperture
Closest Focusing Distance
0.30m/0.98ft (at focal length 14-21mm) / 0.50m/1.64ft (at focal length 22-140mm)
Maximum magnification
Approx. 0.25x / 0.50x (35mm camera equivalent)
Diagonal Angle of View
75°(Wide) to 8.8°(TELE)
Dust and Splash Resistant
Filter Size
φ58mm / 2.28in
Max. Diameter
Approx. φ67mm / 2.64in
Overall Length
Approx. 75mm / 2.95in (from the tip of the lens to the base side of the lens mount)
Weight [g]
Approx. 265g (excluding lens cap, lens rear cap, and lens hood)
Weight [oz]
Approx. 9.35oz (excluding lens cap, lens rear cap, and lens hood)
Standard Accessories
Lens cap, Lens hood, Lens rear cap, Lens storage bag
* About motion picture recording / 4K PHOTO recording - Use a card with SD Speed Class with ""Class 4"" or higher when recording motion pictures. - Use a card with SD Speed Class with ""UHS-I / UHS-II UHS Speed Class 3 (U3)"" when recording motion pictures with [MP4] in [4K] or [4K PHOTO]. (SD speed class is the speed standard regarding continuous writing.) - Recording stops when the continuous recording time exceeds 29 minutes and 59 seconds with [AVCHD] in Europe. - Recording stops when the continuous recording time exceeds 29 minutes and 59 seconds with [MP4] in Europe. - MP4 motion pictures with [MP4] in [4K]: - When using an SDHC memory card: You can continue recording without interruption even if the file size exceeds 4 GB, but the motion picture file will be divided and recorded/played back separately. - When using an SDXC memory card: You can record a motion picture in a single file. - MP4 motion pictures with [MP4] in [FHD] [HD]: - You can continue recording without interruption even if the file size exceeds 4 GB, but the motion picture file will be divided and recorded/played back separately. - When the ambient temperature is high or continuous recording is performed, the camera may stop the recording to protect itself. Wait until the camera cools down. ** For [4K] video output, use an HDMI cable that has the HDMI logo on it, and that is described as""4K compatible"".

2 recenze Panasonic DMC-G80HA Lumix bezzrcadlovkový digitální fotoaparát + H-FSA14140 14-140mm, F3.5-5.6 (Digitální Live MOS 16MP, Dual I.S.2 5-osý, 4K), černá
5.00 z 5

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  1. Jo du 24

    Následující recenze pochází z a byla přeložena automaticky.

    Velmi spokojen s tímto nákupem.
    Dobře zpracovaný fotoaparát, robustní vzhled, nepříliš objemný, dobrá manipulace a intuitivní ovládání.
    Balík s 14/140 zoomem dostatečným pro začátek a pokrytím dostatečného pole záběru. Přiblížení tropického balení jako pouzdro.
    Balíček doplněný o druhou baterii vítán na dlouhé výlety.
    Je vidět při používání, ale již velmi dobrý první dojem.

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  2. Princic Fred

    Následující recenze pochází z a byla přeložena automaticky.

    Jsem spokojený s akvizicí.
    krásné fotky a videa.

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